Friday, September 25, 2009

Bale Out Calendar

 Show off your horse and help a fellow horseperson in need!
BITS is having a calendar contest to raise money for an emergency hay and feed bank for horseowners in  financial crisis. If we can help a horseowner through a tough time that keeps one more horse in a home. Our hope is to help horses before they end up in rescues or worse. The calendar will be titled..

Get Back In The Saddle America!
Our hope is to rebuild the horse community and economy by getting people back in the saddle, keeping horses in homes and getting more horses and riders exposed to different horse activities. Show off your horse in red white and blue, take a picture of your horse in a beautiful American landscape, send a picture of your horse under the stars and stripes.  You get the idea now go get the camera! One of these horses will be the cover model is it yours?

Every person entering gets a copy of the calendar and a chance to get your horse featured on a calendar.
Show off your horse , help feed a hungry horse and keep one more horse in a home and get bragging rights!

You can read more about BITS and the calendar contest on our website:
or below to enter

1 comment:

  1. Good for all of you... And good for the horses and their caretakers...
